SWOT Analysis

Strengths/Weaknesses (Internal Environment)

Opportunities/Threats (External Environment)

Bargaining power of customers
Bargaining power of suppliers
Buyer relationships
Rivalry amongst closest competitors, competitors in related industries, potential competitors
Competitors' learning curves
Costs (of material resources, labor, etc.)
Customer loyalty
Distribution channels
Economic climate/forces
Education of the workforce
Environmental situations/requirements/interest groups
Expansion opportunities
Interest group demands/support
Market demographics
Material resources (e.g. land)
Labor unions (relationships with)
Local/National/International communities
New entrants
New markets
Political climate/ forces (e.g. laws)
Product lifecycles
Related, unrelated, and supporting industries
Source(s) of employees
Stockholder support/demand
Substitute products/services
Supplier relationships
Takeover threats
Technology development
Trade association affiliations
University affiliations (e.g. joint research programs)